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Posts on pacemaker

I had a mini-facelift and there is an inflammation by one of my ears at the jaw line. The ...
Sir, My father is 85.He has been a chronic Bronchitis patient. As advised by Docter his he...
I've had a pacemaker for nearly 3 years and have a lot of problems with sleep for years. I ...
I have had a pacemaker for the last twelve years and have been told I don't really need it ...
Mom who is 89 had pacemaker surgery approximately 18 months ago. It has always bulged at th...
My grandfather had his pacemaker replaced in late April/early May and ever since he has fel...
How do I select a pacemaker device?
I have a pacemaker after having 4 cardiac arrests in one day 5 years ago. The ventricular p...
Hi, I'm 28 and had a pacemaker placed 4/14/10 for fairly severe sinus node dysfunction/sick...
Hi Doctor, My bro aged 21 recently jus joined army force as regular, physical fit in av...