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invasive lobular

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on invasive lobular

Now that I have a diagnosis of LCIS how much has my risk of developing invasive breast canc...
Lumpectomy + Axillary clearance in 55 year old. Pre op MRI showed 2 small foci of cancer i...
Lobular,ductal invasive,lobular and ductal insitu breast cancer. Is this unusual to have a...
Hi! I have been researching lobular carcinoma of the breast and have a few questions. Is it...
I just found out today that I have Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer. Our plan is to do a dou...
My radiologist informed my that my recent breast biopsy (microcalicifications) indicates at...
I had a stereotactic biopsy and the report shows lobular carcinoma in situ, atypical ductal...
Pathology report and questions If someone could help me understand what all this means I'd...
Recently had lumpectomy for invasive lobular cancer of one breast with positive sentinal no...
I was diagnosed in March with invasive lobular carcinoma in the right axillary area. Eleve...