
too much

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Journals about too much

1510375 tn?1292934881
Why do they give me motivation, yet put other's to sleep? Why do they work so well when...
1293013 tn?1272283240

by Zeprived, Apr 26, 2010
Ate too much, too late, woke twice
908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Feb 09, 2010
Which basically means nothing. I was pretty tired today. I had one of those dreams like I ...
1029883 tn?1254148343
I've just worked out that since June i've put on just over 2stone, and i'm not ...
682162 tn?1298850774

by DarkSalem, Dec 01, 2008
skipped theatre. couldnt take everything. too much, overwhelmed. planned to run away.