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Posts on shark

I was wondering if I can eat fish? I've read online saying it can't be high on Mercury , am...
Soo I was goin threw are kitchen and found a can of tiny shrimp and I was wondering is it o...
Does anyone know if there are any foods, or vitamins that can be taken to naturally assist ...
I am new to this and would like to get info on how I can stop the process of Barrett's. I w...
Hi friends! I made it a week, hollaaa! Lol. Feeling pretty good right now. Just got back fr...
Please excuse if you find it offensive. otherwise I thought it was funny considering our be...
Is it safe for me to eat tilapia fish not sure if it's little or mercury free?
What seafood is okay to eat while pregnant? Im 8 wks 4 days. And I LOVE seafood. But I ...
can - Pregnancy Community
- Aug 15, 2014
Can I go eat red lobster ???
Holloween? My son will be here on the 10th of Oct. Are you guys gonna do anything.special f...