

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on jester

Our kitten, Silver, is now about 8 months old and has recently started to chew (and eat) sh...
Hello' i am very concerned about some bumps that I am seeing on my penis. A few weeks ag...
I have had several occasions over the last two months of getting into an irrationally jealo...
I'd like to know if anyone's been on disability for over 6 months and had to return to work...
Hello Experts, Yesterday evening I was at a Club where you have so many girls ready to p...
I Have A 13 Year Old Japanese Akita, He Is Very Weak, Can Barely Walk, Walking Takes All Of...
still cant stop! what to do? no matter what i do i cant seem to get away from DRUGS its ho...
Cant eat! Cant sleep! what to do??? i lay up all night (uncomfortable) no matter what my po...
I'm 34weeks and I believe that I have a hemrroid? I have no clue what to do . It hurts to b...
Okay, so I told my boyfriend everything and he is trying to be as supportive as he can. Th...