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My son, Ethan
My son, Ethan
Comments (3)
1079218 tn?1297028844
MrsMacDugle, Nov 29, 2009
I'm assuming that Ethan is the oldest of the two children, I maybe wrong but he just seems to be the older.  He too, is a precious gift & deserves all the love that you can offer him, don't allow him to grow up to fast either.  Time is short enough as it is enjoy every precious moment that you have with them.  Teenage years are the most trying of all as their hormones are beginning to spiral out of control & take over that perfect little obedient child & turn them into a young adult.  Trust in your maternal instincts as to how to deal with each of them.  As they are our precious gifts given to us by God to love & nuture.
1103110 tn?1341254499
myersnpooh, Nov 29, 2009
We spoken MrsMacDugle!! I do cherish every moment with both children, They are my reason for living!! Yes he is about to turn 14 on December 19th, so yes those hormones and attitude are kicking in LOL!! My daughter is 11 and won't be 12 until next July. In this pic he was trying out some temporary blue hair dye LOL.
1079218 tn?1297028844
MrsMacDugle, Dec 05, 2009
Our daughter went through that phase too.  Only hers was Magenta, and then Purple, and then Green.  No worries, it is only a phase.  This to shall pass.