Comparing the color of my flushed face to natural skin color on back--pretty dramatic.
Comparing the color of my flushed face to natural skin color on back--pretty dramatic.
Comments (4)
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evo123, May 16, 2010
Gosh.....this is very pronounced.  xx
612876 tn?1355514495
Heiferly, May 16, 2010
Yep, Mr. McDreamy and my aides/nurse can sometimes see a faint coming on before I even know my dysauto is acting up because I have a tendency to turn into a tomato-head when my ANS starts going wonky.  The flushing is triggered by everything from allergies to orthostatic stress to heat intolerance to exercise intolerance to fatigue and more!  Pair that with my ability to get purple legs, my freakish paleness at times, and the ability of my fingers and parts of my face to turn blue ... I'm a girl of many colors!!  If I had better control over it I would totally try to get a gig with a traveling circus as "chameleon girl" or something.  ;-)
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evo123, May 16, 2010
You so make me smile x  You always know the best way to handle and make 'light' of your symptoms.  Although I am now soooo pale, I get bright red hands that would go fantastically well with your face, so maybe we should form a duo act!!!  Oh....and don't forget the blue nailbeds......they look really stunning next to the cherry hands!!! x
612876 tn?1355514495
Heiferly, May 17, 2010
I've thought of doing a patriotic 4th of July routine with some sort of flushing red face, blue lips/fingertips, ghostly white legs (when not upright and turning purple--poor legs, they never see the sun, LOL) combo before.  I'll have to import you stateside to join me.  Maybe we can turn cartwheels, and that will keep the blood spinning around and circulating to all parts ... plus the audience will just think it's part of the entertainment!  That way we can stay conscious but still do something more show-worthy than sitting in recliners on a stage.  :-p  Ah yes, it's all coming together now.  