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Mousey has crossed the rainbow bridge.  I still cry and can't stop.  Maybe one day.
Mousey has crossed the rainbow bridge.  I still cry and can't stop.  Maybe one day.
Comments (7)
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Jul 12, 2010
Oh she has beautiful coloring.  I do hope she comes home safe and sound soon.  
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Dazon50, Jul 12, 2010
Wow...some sight.  Ok...I could adapt :-))
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Dazon50, Jul 12, 2010
I like the coloring too.  Stands out bright.
1301089 tn?1290666571
Sarajmt, Jul 12, 2010
Thank you!  I want him home tonight!  But sadly, no news.  He is a beautiful cat.  He was well groomed when he disappeared.   No telling what he looks like now.  He has to be brushed 2 times a day or he gets matted.  I've always loved his pink nose and paws.
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Jul 14, 2010
ohhhhh sara ..he is so pretty I am keeping my fingers crossed for you ..
1301089 tn?1290666571
Sarajmt, Jul 17, 2010
I am pretty sure he's dead.  There is just no way all these cats have gone missing and not come back that I have any more hope.  I am trying to accept it,   I just cannot quit crying.  Either a wild animal ate him or he's been sold for research purposes,  But I will make all efforts I and another group of people including a police detective can make.  This must not happen again to anyone else in the neighbor hood,  If there is a cat grabbing ring, I'll see them prosecuted.  I have to.
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Jul 26, 2010
Of course you're still crying, Sara.  It's especially tough since you don't know for sure what happened.  You are not alone.  When we put our first kitty to sleep, I cried for 6 solid months.  Hugs to you, Sara...♥

R.I.P. Mousey.  