will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
The Farm
The Farm
Comments (2)
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Jul 10, 2010
Beautiful A frame!  I love your house.  Don't see any neighbors close by like where I am - where you'd better get along 'cause they're right There, lol...
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Jul 12, 2010
Our closet neighbors are about 1/4 mile away and they're cows! I could not tolerate "people" neighbors now. When I visit friends in the city I freak out. Last week I was at my girlfriends and we took our lunch outside. We were chatting away and then my friend said, "Shhhh." I thought she wanted me to listen to something, but she nodded her head behind me. I turned around and about 10 feet away the whole damn family next door was staring at us! I can't say here what I WANTED to say, but I picked up my lunch and went in the house. I don't know how people can live on top of each other like that. I did for over 30 years, but these past 21 out here in the back of beyond has spoiled me I'm afraid.
I've been thinking about cutting my hair. I've never had short hair and I think it would be wonderful. But what if I looked really stupid? I'd probably frighten our "neighbors!" LOL
How are YOU doing?  Where in CA do you live? I'm going to see if you have any pictures posted, If not, get some up there, eh?
Take g/f