will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
My boy
My boy
Comments (12)
541150 tn?1306033843
PrettyKitty1, Apr 18, 2011
Almost 8 months now....still a night waker!
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, Apr 18, 2011
goodmorning and HELLO!!! you have a very handsome young son, can't believe he is almost 8 Now just if you could get the little monkey to sleep ALL night grandson was like this, woke many times during the night until he was about that age and they took the bottle away, miraculously he missed it only for a night than by the 2nd he started sleeping all night long....not that this will necessarily work for must be tired, a broken nights rest isn't good for mommy...miss you!! >^.^< Opus
541150 tn?1306033843
PrettyKitty1, Apr 18, 2011
Hi Opus :) I love the lil kitty you drew there LOL.  I will start to take the bottle away and see if he stops waking us up. He wakes up at least 2ice each night. I'm so tired! Hey the kitties are doing good. Abby has actually been losing all the xtra weight and is becoming more active. YAY!!!
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, Apr 18, 2011
yeah I loved the kitty too....its Lindatx's and I stole it!
I bet you are tired hon...try the bottle removal, at 8 months IMO they no longer need a night feeding...see if it helps, you need something to work.
soooo glad to hear the fur babies are doing good too. take care hon and give all the boys a hug from me and mine!!! >^.^<
964234 tn?1331949207
HeatherLF16, Apr 18, 2011
Hi handsome Noah :) What a cutie pie he is ....he always looks so happy!  
541150 tn?1306033843
PrettyKitty1, Apr 18, 2011
He is a happy fella :) Every time he sees the camera he just smiles it's like he knows!
495284 tn?1333894042
dominosarah, Apr 18, 2011
My grandaughter is still getting up in the middle of the night also and she is 7 months old!!

He is so adorable PK!!  I just want to hug and kiss him!!

Glad to hear Abby is getting his figure back!!
1041303 tn?1421387341
frank_noahsmommy, Apr 18, 2011
Wow I can not believe he is 8 months! He is absolutely beautiful!
541150 tn?1306033843
PrettyKitty1, Apr 18, 2011
Thank you both!
203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Apr 18, 2011
He really is a beautiful baby, PK. I hope you all are well. Enjoy that little one, I know you do! :)