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playing his new piano - almost 6 months
playing his new piano - almost 6 months
Comments (3)
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Mar 03, 2011
A budding musician.  He is getting so big.  Such a little cutie pie!
1169162 tn?1331232353
nola0805, Mar 03, 2011
Thanks! I can't believe that he is 6 months old.  I know everyone said it would go by quickly, but man oh man I had no idea.  What I would give to slow time right now.
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Mar 03, 2011
I know what you mean.  It's crazy isn't it.  On one hand it's so exciting because every day seems to bring something new, but on the other....well, we want them to stay our little  Perhaps it's already time for another?  lol.  Hope your doing well.