will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
In memory of my precious Daddy.. 
4/21/1921 - 1/13/2008
In memory of my precious Daddy..
4/21/1921 - 1/13/2008
Comments (3)
195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, Jun 25, 2008
This man always made me feel that I was the most important little girl in this world.  He was my best friend and always will be in my heart...I love you daddy and I miss you..Heather (or "Sister Heath" as he called me)
480448 tn?1426948538
nursegirl6572, Jun 25, 2008
{{{{{Heather}}}}}....he looks like he would be the kindest, gentlest man.  I could imagine myself sitting for hours listening to his stories from decades ago.  I'm so sorry for your loss...but you got a new angel now looking over you.  Wow, he just looks
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doni54, Sep 21, 2008
Us little girls always have a connection to our daddys don't we.  I lost my daddy in April of 03 and miss him every day.  

Your daddy was a special man to have raised such a kind hearted and compassionate daughter, I know he had to have been a wonderful person.