will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Front of the farm
Front of the farm
Comments (9)
560272 tn?1311350293
Katie35801, Dec 06, 2008
Is this your home? Beautiful!
1103110 tn?1341254499
myersnpooh, Nov 23, 2009
looks cozy!!
1052851 tn?1307741160
doctora, Nov 24, 2009
Now thats the kind of home I would like to have, but near water. Are you near a lake or river?
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Nov 24, 2009
To All:
Thank you for the comments on my home! I really love it, and it IS cozy! We are surrounded by about 1500 acres of National Forest land and doctora, it's about a 10 minute walk to the Stillaguamish River and we have a huge pond that we built in the back yard full of Koi and beautiful water plantings. Maybe I'll post more pics so you can see all the sides......there's a covered porch on on side and big patio out back.
Again, I thank you all for your comments. Makes me feel like I'm not the only one who doesn't go for that ultra modern style.
Wish I could have you all over for a glass of wine around the pond at sunset as we watch the bats and stars come out!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Nov 24, 2009
Cool house, Linda!  Your home and property sound awesome.  I don't care for the modern style either.  I live in a very old neighborhood that used to be made up of cute "one of a kind" homes, but as people have sold over the years, in it's place is being built these "Monster" homes that can easily house several families, alone.  Not only are they huge, but the design is ugly and boring and all the homes look exactly alike.  DH and I are sad to see this happening.  

Jade (formerly FMXSMKR)  :)
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Nov 24, 2009
YOU'RE FMXSMKR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy hen fruit girl, where you been? I've missed you! Those of us old timers have missed you! Talk to us! Tell us what you've been up to? You doing OK these days? I wish you'd come back to the forum more! I can't believe it's you! WOW!
You always WERE sneaky! LOL
REALLY good to hear from you!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Nov 24, 2009
LOL!  Yup, that's me! :)

Doing okay, thanks.  Mainly on the smoking and cat forums.  Still working on the smoking quit as I've had a couple relapses in the last 2yrs.  Can hardly believe I've been here over 2yrs.  Read on the anxiety forum more than I post, these days.  I always enjoy reading your are a Crack Up!   You, nursegirl, all make a good team!

Good talking to you too, Linda!  

370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Nov 25, 2009
I SHOULD be on the smoking forum! I've tried to quit more times than I can count! It's really hard and I always tell myself that when life gets less hectic, I'll try again..........but life just keeps gettin more and more screwed up the longer I live, so there are times I just say "I might as well just accept that I'm gonna be a smoker til it kills me or the bus runs me down!" Bit of a defeatist, that, but after 58 years, I know myself pretty well. But, never say "never" and I won't with this, either. They say as long as you keep trying, that's the thing. I do wish you the best on your recent attempt. THIS may very well be the one that sticks!
And the cat forum, eh? Since I own 7 of the creatures, I should pop around and check it out!

Don't get me going about the Anxiety Forum. I think it has made me crazy, which is the only reason I'm still there! You probably got out just in time!

Lot's of new names, but the same old problems..............not much has changed there! LOL
Do wish you post now and again! Your advice was always great and cj and I are pretty swamped keeping up. Don't worry about how long you've been away, it's like a soap can tune in 5 years later and the plot hasn't changed at all.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving and do keep in touch...........even if you just drop a note and let me know you're OK.
With love,

1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Mar 23, 2010
I am seriously behind in posting a comment about your absolutely gorgeous home and land.  Wow.  Slightly envious, as I look around my 1 bedroom apt:).  Not really.  We thrive where we are placed or not as the anxiety and agoraphobia forums show us.

Getting camera envy.  Maybe I can get somebody with digital cam to post a few pics of me in my nest.

Best and thanks for sharing.
silly girl formerly known as airannie