will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
with our 10 kids + 1 granchild
with our 10 kids + 1 granchild
Comments (10)
524608 tn?1244418161
Fl_Gator, Jul 02, 2008
You are blessed. What a beautiful family photo.
476246 tn?1418870914
Marcia2202, Jul 02, 2008
Thank you. That was the day we brought our family together. My twins on the right and my three boys on the left.
537799 tn?1222116971
nerja2007, Jul 02, 2008
what a beautiful family you have, Marcia, BLESS
547836 tn?1302832832
lalapple, Aug 02, 2008
Dear Marcia, you had such a big and beautiful family!  Everyone looks so happy :)
476246 tn?1418870914
Marcia2202, Aug 02, 2008
Thanks. I guess we are happy most of the time.
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seabean, Sep 11, 2008
Wonderful photo~beautiful family!  I love your dress, you look beautiful, & your husband so handsome.  In the "I do" photo you both look so happy.  
476246 tn?1418870914
Marcia2202, Sep 12, 2008
Thank you so much. I sewed the dress myself. Silk, lace and freshwater pearls. It was fun doing it and hiding it from my husband, as he wasn't allowed to see it. We are still as happy as on that photo, or maybe even more. We thank God every day that we ha
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Peach803, Nov 19, 2008
"Marsha Marsha..." oh my goodness, you are such a beauty!  The dress...amazing!  I began sewing at age 9, and am still pretty "crafty".  It looks like life is GOOD, and it looks FULL of love...through all the ups and downs this 'thing' we share. As 'The Secret' says..."All shll be well! And all manner of thing shall be well!  Big hugs.
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Ryansmom17, Jan 24, 2009
Your Kids grew up awfully fast and ya had 10 of them since ya got married AND A GRANDBABY??? Just kidding lol
One big beautiful happy family tho, and it shows!! It must be good to have a bi family and I bet you get a lot of support!!
Bless God for your health, happiness and LOVE of your family.........
338734 tn?1377160168
IAmTheWalrus, May 08, 2009
I feel like a terrible friend! This is the first time I have seen these photos. How beautiful. You have a rich life with beautiful children. How wonderful!