Comments (3)
1339332 tn?1329854366
skydivediva, Sep 01, 2011
Is this your daughter. Boy, oh boy, she's grown up a lot! What instrument does she play in band? Do you get to see her regularly or at least speak on the phone or exchange letters/emails, Medic? Right there is the reason that you can NEVER, EVER give up. Hang tough.
1458609 tn?1319950592
medic673, Sep 01, 2011
Yes this is my Baby girl she is a freshman in high school this year she plays the flute..I  see her as much as our schedules will allow and i am going to every game and band jamboree. I am in the band boosters
1339332 tn?1329854366
skydivediva, Sep 02, 2011
The flute---one of my favorite instruments (along with drum & violin). I can't read music or play any instrument. I'm glad that you get to see her. For many divorced parents, ongoing issues with the ex-spouse impact their relationships with the kids. I'm glad you go to her jamboree and games as much as you can. You want to keep a connection with her and she surely benefits from having an involved Dad. Fall is quickly approaching. Good luck to her team and to the two of you.