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Home for Christmas
Home for Christmas
Comments (9)
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Dec 17, 2011
Too much stuff....and this isn't nearly all of it....gotta keep it simple....gotta get rid of a lot of "stuff" and focus more on the true meaning of Christmas  :)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Dec 17, 2011
well it all looks lovely very festive the alcoves each side
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, Dec 17, 2011
your home looks so lovely Linda...all I have up is a 4' tree so far. keeping it real simple here this year...wishing you both a MERRY CHRISTMAS....
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Dec 17, 2011
Thanks, Linda.....Diego and I don't have any' stuff' as his mom shed it all over the years.  So ....we really do enjoy looking at beautiful holiday decorations like this.  Your holiday home reminds me of what I did when children were small ....

Have a happy happy Christmas!
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Dec 17, 2011
Thank you, Margy, Opus and SG....I've always enjoyed decorating  but it's really gotten to be too much for me.  I still have a lot to do but I keep remembering what the preacher at the church we visited in Vegas said about keeping the message of Christmas simple.  I plan to keep it simple from now on and stay focused on the true "reason for the season."
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Dec 18, 2011
Another year, another beautifully decorated home.  You really go all out, Linda.  Looks so warm and inviting.  Hard not to decorate when you have such young grand kids who look forward to your decorations each year, eh?  Merry Christmas from Jade and I! ♥
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Dec 18, 2011
Thanks, Jade....Merry Christmas to you and Jade.  I want to cut back on the decorating,  but then, I just found out through a sonogram in a Christmas card that our son and daughter-in-law are blessing us with our 4th grandchild in June!  What a wonderful surprise!  Their first...and they live in Alaska!  Too far away!!!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Dec 18, 2011
What exciting news - congrats, Linda!  There's always best thing :)
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Dec 18, 2011
I really hope sometime in the next year or two they will be moving back to Texas....if I go up to visit, I'm not sure I'll be able to leave. But yes, there's always skype :)