will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
26 staples 2 days post opnwhen bandage was removed
26 staples 2 days post opnwhen bandage was removed
Comments (10)
1827123 tn?1383865276
jiggle93, Feb 11, 2012
Lady, you are my new hero!
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Feb 11, 2012
OUCH!!///I did not have staples...and my scar was one continuous scar, ur is  2....
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Feb 11, 2012
ouchy !!! You are quite the brave one !
1903798 tn?1333905288
Rylanesmom, Feb 11, 2012
:) I am officially in the zipperhead club LOL I am so glad that big step is learning the new me...1 day at a time.
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Feb 11, 2012
Congratulations...u will have to post on the zipperhead thread : )
1925822 tn?1333705617
irislita, Feb 11, 2012
hi my boyfriend took a photo of my scar...i got scarred...its ouch for a while...but later u will hardly see it...its quite funny u have 2 scars...a special zipper!!!!congrats!!!
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sunnyset, Feb 12, 2012
i still haven't seen my incision. i was told that i was given dissolvable stitches but there is a dressing on it (stapled to my head so that it stays on) so i can't see it. can't wait to take a picture of it when it comes off.
1306714 tn?1327257080
linnielou232, Feb 12, 2012
Never seen a double zipper.  You are special  :)   My dr measured mine.  It was 13 1/2 inches long.  
I had staples in my back, just stitches in the head.  It's not bad at all getting them out...  Get some rest.
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deadmemory, Feb 16, 2012
Wow, Girlie! I didn't have staples either =/ I know it sounds weird, but I kinda wanted them. LOL. I was able to take my dressing off the night I had surgery. There hasn't been any oozing or anything. It is just pretty swollen.. My throat and jaw still hurt really bad and my hands, wrist, neck and feet are really bruised from the IV lines. I had an allergic reaction to the anti nausea patch so I am not using those anymore. I have a nice little rash on my jaw.. It doesn't itch at all.. It just hurts to the touch. I don't know about any of you, but I am so happy that I came home with my walker. It makes walking SOOO much easier!
1903798 tn?1333905288
Rylanesmom, Feb 18, 2012
I am really thankful for the staples...they don't hurt and I was able to get all the gunk out of my hair lol.  I have been able to shower since day 2.  I just can't scrub zipper and water is too flow from top of my head not pointed at it.  Krystal my brides are crazy too because the veins kept blowing...hate that.  He said two cuts top was harvest of muscle for dura patch and bottom is decompression he said oly cuts what he has to lol.  I gues that left an inch in the middle.  I met a man that had short hair and had surgery a couple years back and his hair looked great no weird hair part or change in hair growth direction so that is nice.