will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
I look like I'm ready to pass out from laughing. My girls rock!
I look like I'm ready to pass out from laughing. My girls rock!
Comments (5)
179530 tn?1368936603
mature_enough, Jun 12, 2012
Haha My son is the only baby that won't stay! He is behind me digging in a diaper bag! Look at that lil red head.
1654570 tn?1364392283
juana105, Jun 15, 2012
Oh, yeah, I can see him:-) And you look like having lots of fun! xoxo
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aheart, Jul 05, 2012
What kind of class or occasion was it? It looks like mostly mama's and babies.
179530 tn?1368936603
mature_enough, Jul 18, 2012
I lead a breastfeeding support group (classes too)
It's open to the public so that any breastfeeding or pregnant woman can come! :)
463897 tn?1468013750
MH Community Mgr, Oct 25, 2012
This is a wonderful opportunity for women to learn so much from you, mature_enough !