Pray its not just a chemical
Pray its not just a chemical
Comments (3)
1571146 tn?1399909692
Moma_Cher, Jan 09, 2013
It looks nice and strong to me!!
1434731 tn?1382722384
Lynniepooh, Jan 17, 2013
That's how my yet looked I was so unsure! Stupid cheapie tests!  I had to wait 4 days then got a more expensive test for a BFP
1021834 tn?1379292300
naturschld, Jan 17, 2013
I had another cheap one at home; so tested the next day and it was darker.  I wanted to go out and get one that would say "pregnant" (just to see the word) after that but I figured I would just be peeing my money away since I already knew. :)