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Tongue after waking up. December 2012
Tongue after waking up. December 2012
Comments (5)
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ashler1977, May 17, 2013
This is the photo of my tongue after waking up.

Notice the white layer that covers all the tongue except the tip. The white layer can hardly scraped off. During the mornings, my tongue is very, very white.

Sexual exposure (received unprotected oral sex from a girl of unknown status in Feb 2012). My tongue has been like this from June 2012 to this day (about one year now). Diagnosed with "Candida Albacins Complex" in June 2012 (oral swab), but tested negative for yeast later (two tests, oral swab as well). Several HIV tests (negative) up to 9 months post exposure.

My tongue is:

- All white except the tip
- With excessive saliva
- Swollen tastebuds in the border
- Overal swollen tongue with teeth marks in the border.

If anyone had a similar story/symptoms please get back to me.
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learning550, Aug 03, 2013
my tongue looks v similar to that. Just like you said esp in the morning. I have been taking nystatin for 4 days .just a little better but more or less still the same. Nurse prac. told me it looks like a thrush...and i am not on any anti biotic or anything..everything else is just fine....I had a protected sexual encounter with a girl 2 months ago and it appeared 6 days ago.
But i did not performed oral sex on her. But we kissed. I had a rapid hiv test at week 9 came negative. still concerned . any update with your tongue? any clue?
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donron81, Mar 14, 2014
Yes same thing here...any update please???? its been almost a year with mine after i was dating this girl. Very curious if you found a solution. I have tried everything, seriously...but its still there and it ruins my life because im pretty sure its contagious, so i havent dated for 9 months :(
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ashler1977, Mar 14, 2014
would be interested to see photos of your tongue. do you feel it also dry?
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Sunshine965, Feb 24, 2015
Does it burn??