will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Comments (6)
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cirella, Apr 05, 2008
Hi Deandra,
I know it's not the way you probably wanted it but I absolutely LOVE your hair that way!  You go girl!
148354 tn?1211233906
Ms_Makita, Apr 05, 2008
Looking good girl! your beautiful! stay strong~Stephanie
272338 tn?1252280404
crecco, Apr 05, 2008
   You are absolutely beautiful Deandra. I have to agree with Lori, I love the way that you look. You are one of the few lucky ones that pull it off great!
408448 tn?1286883821
marie3B, Apr 05, 2008
Yes. You do look cute. When my hair started to come back I was not so lucky. My grand-daughter said, "Your hair is beautiful grandma. You look just like an old man."
447161 tn?1262923084
kimmywah, Apr 15, 2008
One thing that I can say that sums you up inside and out...You are absolutely gorgeous...
540822 tn?1313086322
asuprpixie, Jul 22, 2008