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Me & my kids favorite, peacefull part of the yard to play and cool down.
Me & my kids favorite, peacefull part of the yard to play and cool down.
Comments (7)
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stubby226, Dec 19, 2008
peaceful and beautiful.  Can you ship a piece of that?
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Dec 20, 2008
LOL.  If I did my baby's pictured might kill me.  LOL  Just kidding.  This is my place that I go and feel relaxed and at peace and pray.  It was an old spring.  This is where I carry my buckets from to the garden.  Right now it is really flooded.......hmmmmm......  Glad it was rain today and not snow.  Take care.
172023 tn?1334672284
peekawho, Jan 17, 2009
I'll bring the dogs over, and we'll sit and have some coffee.  
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Jan 17, 2009
Sounds Great!  Unfortunately we'll have to wait till Spring for them to play outside.  The creek is frozen.  I can't wait for winter to end.  7 large dogs in the house might get insane.  LOL

Poor Caesar (the Dane drinking at 6 mo. old there) was sick this morning and always goes to the back door.  He couldn't understand while wrenching that I wouldn't open the door.  Temp this AM was negative 17 though with wind chill factors.  Going out now consist of 2 minutes or less to just poop and pee.  Anything beyond that and I'm having to carry them.

Did I say already....I CAN'T WAIT TILL SPRING!  Grrrrr,  Brrrrr,  and Urrgggg.  LOL  
365714 tn?1292199108
MJIthewriter, Jan 28, 2009
Nice. I want a creek in our yard.
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Jul 10, 2009
Now where can I buy one of those for my garden for our stinking hot summers? I would just run outside, nuddy as the day I was born and holler....WWWOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! and jump right in. NICE!
961612 tn?1250642671
azrael13, Jul 10, 2009
you are so lucky, I wish that was my back yard, I could use some peace and quite.