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Dabble, my mini doxie <3
Dabble, my mini doxie <3
Comments (3)
1041303 tn?1421387341
frank_noahsmommy, Sep 28, 2010
OMG I just got one two weeks ago, are they hard to potty train???? Any advice??
1450627 tn?1296616593
alyssagillstrom, Sep 28, 2010
agh!! he is still having accidents! they're a really distinct breed lol! he still has to go all the time, he whines, but if i dont do it quick enough he'll go on the floor. or if i put a shirt on him, or leave him for awhile, he will pee or poop out of spite. my mom had one and they can be very ornory...its frustrating. but they're soo loving. i love him so much, and he's getting better about potty. but vet said this breed does take a little longer and they like to be fat and eat alot lol. did you get a mini or a real size?
1450627 tn?1296616593
alyssagillstrom, Sep 28, 2010
oh, and do yo have a baby? i'm so curious to see how i'll react with the newborn. i'm so scared he's gonna get jealous and be ornory...:(