will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
31wks 2 days
31wks 2 days
Comments (4)
1301836 tn?1305621815
natashajay, Jan 05, 2011
just used a tape measure and i'm 47" around my bump...yikes exactly what i was when i had all my children....hmmm thats slightly worrying.......
1255151 tn?1413891826
rbohl01, Jan 05, 2011
you just made me get out a measuring tape haha- mine is 48" right now. Pretty close to the same as yours. I feel huge!!!
1301836 tn?1305621815
natashajay, Jan 05, 2011
i concern is i was this size when i delivered my last 3...surely ican't get any bigger can i?
342693 tn?1425621476
bfromthed, Jan 20, 2011
wow such a  beautiful bump! Time is growing closer!