will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Me atop Mt. St. Leonard's Toolangi, Aus at 7am!! Feb 15 2011
Me atop Mt. St. Leonard's Toolangi, Aus at 7am!! Feb 15 2011
Comments (6)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Feb 14, 2011
Gawd! That harsh easterly sun sure brings out the wrinkles! LOL. 4am I couldn't sleep so headed up my favourite mountain which I can see from my house. I have decided that 2011 is the Year of No Excuses. If I think of something I want to do, I am going to do it, regardless of the consequences to my poor old body. Life is too effing short to be feeling sorry for myself. I could be brewing another cancer for all I know, so I am making the No Excuses a reason to enjoy life...Ok...time for a nap now....all that do-gooding is exhausting!
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Feb 14, 2011
Nice pic!!

Year of no excuses....I love it!!  Good for you!! :)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Feb 14, 2011
yup you get it' when the going gets tough the tough get going.. true ..good luck, you look pretty darn good in this pic .....
1598194 tn?1310626375
lollybye, Mar 12, 2011
beautiful ...
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nanafox, Mar 18, 2011
such a lovely lookout and a great philosophy; admire your strength of attitude.
681148 tn?1437661591
FurballsMom, Oct 13, 2011
That is a great view to wake up to.