Stuck with Suzy Q..forever...and he told him "Don't do it!" :-))
Stuck with Suzy Q..forever...and he told him "Don't do it!" :-))
Comments (2)
374251 tn?1246235657
jessejames31, Jul 10, 2008
thats a great tattoo. your husband is lucky to be "stuck" with you forever..  you play pool & poker and have a red corvette, i wish i was "stuck" with someone like you...    ♥jesse♥
535294 tn?1219930112
Suzyq0826, Jul 10, 2008
Haha...Jesse you're a sweetheart. You will find that special someone some day, I'm sure of it. In the meantime, you've got that beautiful little girl...always! Suzy