will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
my new boyfriend; the best ever
my new boyfriend; the best ever
Comments (10)
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, Jan 21, 2012
your boy is absolutely beautiful.....♥
1431734 tn?1421011671
babs824, Jan 21, 2012
he is as dear as he is beautiful! i figure that looking at such a lovely creature boosts my spirits so why not find one that is beautiful. gratefully we all have different ideas of beauty. since my previous kitty who died a week before i found pasha, was a himmy, i am drawn to this soft sweet look. i have a friend with a rag doll and have always felt the personality traits of this breed make them lovely pets. thx to u, babs and pasha
163305 tn?1333668571
orphanedhawk, Jan 21, 2012
Wow, how gorgeous. Thanks for sharing this :)
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aheart, Jan 21, 2012
He is gorgeous! And the breed is very sweet, he's a keeper alright.
1431734 tn?1421011671
babs824, Jan 21, 2012
his diabetes diagnosis one week ago was a stunning day for us both but after diet control and 2 injections per day of insulin i already see a big change so pls keep fingers crossed for a remission for big boy aka pasha. tx
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Jan 21, 2012
Pasha is simply stunning!  His eyes are a very light blue?  Yes, fingers crossed for a remission.
3242988 tn?1359306516
kittyluvr420, Sep 14, 2012
I'm in love! My kitties were my biggest support during tx. Beautiful! Purring for kitty to get better <3
163305 tn?1333668571
orphanedhawk, Sep 15, 2012
He's beautiful.
1431734 tn?1421011671
babs824, Sep 15, 2012
he has turned out to be  wonderful big kitty who loves to visit others in my condo and he makes their day. he does not like to go in the car but he enjoyed the stay at a pals beach house and just became the king of the place in short order. thanks for your comments and wishing you both good health and much kitty love! babs
1431734 tn?1421011671
babs824, Sep 15, 2012
i don't know if he will go into remission; i kinda doubt it but at least he got a second chance as his prior owner told me she would have had him put down if he was diagnosed on her watch. lucky for all of us she decided to give him away instead of taking him to the vet!! i named him beamer as he cost a bit but seems worth it. i can't imagine my life without him. he has such personality and is so much more interactive than previous kitties. we both hit the jackpot. best to u both, babs