2 days post op...
2 days post op...
Comments (4)
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, May 29, 2012
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SilentSong101, May 29, 2012
it actually wasnt that bad...all I got was tylonal and Valium...(I kept reacting to everything else)...there was even a couple hours post op, where because I was reacting to so much that I wasnt on anything...and I just thought "huh...this is equivalent to a bad chiari headache...huh..."
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, May 29, 2012
So this is  what I will look like next week huh? lol. It looks great. How are you feeling?
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SilentSong101, May 29, 2012
yup haha....overall Im pretty good, I am recovering faster than I thought I would, and I need to keep reminding myself to take it easy...I have a tendancy to kind of jump when I move to stand, and then go bouncing down the hallways...I have to work really hard to control that impulse haha....but minimal pain for the most part....Im close to being off painkillers...I think I would be if I could remember not to stand up to fast, or jump up quickly other struggle is restlessness and boredom...unfortunately my social skills are not superb (Think Sheldon from Big Bang...oh boy.) so I've been spending a lot of time by myself...that by far has been my biggest struggle.