squamous cell carcinoma on my hand, 2nd most common skin cancer, yet unknown to many of  public!!!
squamous cell carcinoma on my hand, 2nd most common skin cancer, yet unknown to many of  public!!!
Comment (1)
963889 tn?1359677334
warney, Feb 01, 2013
I saw this on my hand for months, I even showed my family doctor who said was nothing. I thought it was a thorn or something in there. with my poor vision I thought the white in the middle was a pus head. Its actually hard white skin. These are the second most common form of skin cancer and yet not publicised and any untrained person would not realise it was. Squamous cell carinomas take on dozens of different appearances. for a look at some, search yahoo images squamous cell carcinoma. There are a few like mine but dozens of variations. LESSON here is that if you have any lesion, NOT JUST a mole, that does not go away and appears alittle irregular in shape, get it checked by a SKIN specialist - not just your family doctor.  I thoughtmine was perfectly round but it is not when under a magnifier