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My Pilgrims are super bundled!
My Pilgrims are super bundled!
Comments (3)
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Nov 29, 2013
That means they can play longer :P    I tried to put on as many clothes as I could (and still be able to move around) when I was little so I could stay out longer lol.  Snow looks like so much fun though!!  
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Nov 29, 2013
Hi mister James :). Aren't you having fun! :)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Nov 30, 2013
Oh yes, I used to love bundling up to play outside when I was a kid! Building igloo's and snowmen. We used to get a ton of snow around here, but now it's pretty skimpy by comparison.

James has one thing and one thing only on his mind...the tracks! When the weather is better, my brother and I take them for walks on the train tracks, which are at the end of this street. Along the way is a nice apple tree we pick from and an invisible pond - you can't see it because the reeds are so tall, but if you throw your stones high enough, you will hear a big splash :) They really love it.
So Mr. James has ...should I say it....a one track mind right about then :)
When we got the the stop sign, I had to tell him that the apples were frozen solid and that we wouldn't be going any further than this sign. It was a HUGE cry-fest!
I told the 9 year old twins girls I was with to go ahead and head towards the house with Sydney so I could talk with James. He stood his ground for a long time and would not move. I finally had to just walk away since my words didn't work and he soon followed.

If I was feeling well instead of ill that day, I would have just picked his butt up and carried him. I would have said, do you want to walk on your own two feet or do you want me to carry you? No toddler wants to be carried when they can walk outside during playtime :)