will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
May 08 - I am miserable - fat exhausted tired
May 08 - I am miserable - fat exhausted tired
Comments (4)
393685 tn?1425812522
stella5349, Oct 02, 2009
I wish this picture was bigger. Well.. not really.. it just was very bad here and the picture is too small to see that.
670955 tn?1226597900
Rainydeb, Oct 06, 2009
Hi Stella,

It's a good pic! If you right click it, it enlarges.
670955 tn?1226597900
Rainydeb, Oct 06, 2009
Oh, never mind. When you right click it, another pic comes up.
Avatar universal
mineralls710, Oct 29, 2009
Stella, I read your post about burning tongue/mouth relating to hypo thyroid. I would sure like to communicate with you about that. I have hashimoto's thyroiditis and had burning tongue/lips for a few years before being diagnosed. Went to many doctors/allergists who had no clue. Went on Armour 2 i/2 years ago. The burning went away about 6 months ago and now is returning. I am so bummed about that.Have you gotten rid of yours completely? Any info would be appreciated.
P.S. Your photos are lovely. After gaining 30 lbs in 6 months for no reason I increased my armour and have lost 11 since July.