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my fleet of mercedes
my fleet of mercedes
Comments (4)
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mojorisin64, Mar 16, 2009
ok ill comment ,blue on (trigger ) purrs like a kitten, in a john deere sorta way,has 300,000 miles and tops at 102...cream one (kitten) was a garaged wench all her life.2 owner car...and has  air-condtioning!! my favorite find on ebay...these fine cars are total workhorses with class...i had a mb limo but we had to give to my 300 dt guy ,we were running out of room!!
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remar, Mar 17, 2009
Oh my gosh! I've always wanted a Mercedes. I want one of the two door convertable ones but any one will do.Ha ha! Nice cars, lucky you. Remar
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mojorisin64, Mar 17, 2009
i got the cream one for 2850,had 141000 miles which is nothing for a diesel...i live in missouri and had it shipped from utah...but these cars will last forever!!! oooo i dont want to jinx myself...if you are interested make sure there are no oil leaks,they are 84's so as long as the previous owners took care of them youll be husband wanted me to get a saturn or 300 and im like no i just want 5 of these!!! lol
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remar, Mar 17, 2009
They do last forever and that's one of the things I like about them. I've looked for a long time for an older little SL. The price keeps going up on those. You sure got a great price. With any car you have to be careful about things going wrong and it's good to have all the records from the previous owners. I'm going to get my Mercedes one of these days! My husband is prepaired. Ha ha.