isn't he handsome:)just a little bias
isn't he handsome:)just a little bias
Comments (3)
178107 tn?1315947630
bev62, Apr 01, 2009
He's little cutie, the girls are gonna be knocking your door down!!!
667923 tn?1421462724
skeetelmore65, Apr 02, 2009
Thanks Bev for all the support, you're the kind of person that is loyal and your concern I can tell is genuine.You know what?The Lord will bless you because of it.Sorry,I haven't been on.I usually get to get on in the wee hrs.,that's just when I'm up.I usually sleep 2-4 hrs. at a time and feel lucky to get that.I don't know, I just started this bizaar new symptom.It's a tremor or shake inside. It radiates down my arm similar to RLS(restless leg syndrome)-just in case u didn't get it,but really a feeling that comes from the inside and radiates all over. I read something the other day that scared me.I haven't been diagnosed w/what is going on in my body right now.Except for:DDD(degenerative disk diseasee)Spinal Stenosis,Myofascial something, Cervicalgia,etc.I feel like I have to much wrong w/me. I am actually scared because these symptoms can be a number of things.I have all the symptoms of MS,Parkinson's, but I don't feel I have it. I believe what a doc. told me here and I listened, but I wasn't in to much pain that I couldn't bear it then.Now is a different story.I know something is wrong,but can't find it.Had 8 MRI's,a Myleogram(the one out of 100 that gets those spinal tap head aches,they are the worst.)EMG's, but just on my arms and hands.I look for them to run it on my back and do a spinal tap do draw some fluid out to test it.I'm willing to go through anything to find out what it is. I just can't wait to be well again.Sorry if hard to understand...very sleepy,,,keep dosing off while sitting here. Anyway,does anything ring a bell to what it is to you?I know you can't make a diagnosis by just all this jibberish I just wrote you half a sleep.I'm sorry....maybe we can finish this later.I think I am going to crash,tired. Got my hair fixed today and I like it. It just took everything out of my to do it.If you think I write a lot just picture me at the beauty shop today.Man,I don't know what it was today I was blowing smoke from my lips. You'll have to excuse the way I talk,all country,but so are you,right?

Hey we'll continue this tommorow or the next,,,,i will be checking to see what you get out of this mess. I didn't even read it I was so tired. I bet I fell asleep 10 times.The only reason I am still typing is I went to get more coffee.Yeah,i am up everytime my husband comes in from work(he works night shift)'
Enjoyed it...........Thanks for listening ...........K
178107 tn?1315947630
bev62, Apr 05, 2009
Hey friend, I know what you mean about being the one out of 100 to get a spinal headache after a myleogram.  As I was leaving the hospital after I had mine done I got a call saying that my brother had been killed on a motorcycle.  I wasn't able to lay flat and do like they told me to. I had to go back twice to get blood patches because it wouldn't seal off. Your luck sounds like mine, if anything can go wrong, it will.
Be sure you tell your doctor about your resent symptoms, I really don't know what it could be. The things we have to go thru. I would go thru about anything to get out of pain.  I have an appt. on the 14th to have Botox injections in my neck.  I don't know if it will help, but my doctor says that it's worth a try.  It may help with the headaches if nothing else.
My husband works night shift also, 11:00pm-7:00am.  I'm like you, up all hours of the night. I'm lucky to get 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night.
We had beautiful weather here today it was 78 degrees, but it's suppose to get really cold the next two or three days. They say it may snow Tuesday night. I'm so ready for warm weather.  We're going to Myrtle Beach in June, I can't wait to get away. I'll be so glad to get this disability hearing behind me. I hope I get approved this time.
Well better go, it's time for more drugs.  Hope you get a good nights rest.