my sisters and nieces
my sisters and nieces
Comments (2)
3060903 tn?1398565123
Nighthawk61, Feb 26, 2013
What an absolutely beautiful family photo of so many feminine spirits, a boy amongst you will be spoiled rotten, no doubt. Kid's are smart these days, and they're  not necessarily going to follow your litter sister example, they can just as easily follow your example. It takes a village to raise any child. Whose who in this picture anyway? I can't tell whose older, or by how much?
1577158 tn?1476511278
Dolphinleiker, Feb 27, 2013
From left to right: Aryn, Jeanette, Jaime, me Alyssa, and Sara. Jeannette is the other of the three girls and is my sister in law and Sara is my older sister.