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4 baby Sapsuckers
4 baby Sapsuckers
Comments (8)
184674 tn?1360860493
AHP84, Jun 10, 2009
Awww, did they fall out of their nest?
187666 tn?1331173345
ireneo, Jun 10, 2009
Someone cut down the tree and the nest was inside the dead part. The people said they had no way to attach the dead chunk to a tree nearby. So far they're thriving. I feed them every hour a slurry of kitten chow, vitamins and mealworms all pureed in my blender. Hubby is very patient and tolerant of my job. Nice man.
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Jun 10, 2009
Soo tiny.  Was the mother near by at all?  I would not have had a clue at what they were at that age.  Though I guess the wood might help to let you know they were woodpeckers???  I had to look them up.  They are really pretty birds once they grow up.  I hope you will have help at night.  Every hour.  Wow.  That's alot.  Your husband sounds like a very patient person too.  Mine is sometimes, but....well.  LOL    Best of wishes to you and your new babies.  ;~)  
187666 tn?1331173345
ireneo, Jun 10, 2009
Sorry for the miscommunication: birds are terrific to raise because they don't need to eat at night. These little ones are fed from 6am to 9pm, about 16 feedings. I get to sleep. I don't have that luxury when I'm raising baby mammals such as very young squirrels or mice. Mice are the worst to raise but people find them and bring them to the center. It's kind of ironic to spend a few weeks raising tiny babies and then release them to the wild to become part of the food chain.

After over 18 years of animal rehab, I'm pretty good with ID now. Flickers are easy because of the noise they make.
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Jun 10, 2009
Well I'm glad to hear that you can sleep at night.  Whew....wiping forehead.  LOL  You make me laugh on the food chain comment though.  LOL  I guess you would really have to watch if you had an owl and baby mice too.  Ok....shouldn't have even said that maybe.  ha ha.  Your job sounds really cool though and rewarding.  I would be lost on identifying them though.  Good deal.  ;~)
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Beachwalker33, Jun 10, 2009
Oh! I'm going to show my Fiance that picture.Then maybe he'll understand that I had to save my baby finch.I would LOVE to do what you do,I know I've expressed that many times.Have you ever heard of Tiger Island? Tigers walk around and there tame and you can pet them.Someday,I will go.I enjoy your pictures so much.Thanks for sharing them with everyone.Jen
329994 tn?1301663248
lvfrogs, Jun 18, 2009
They are so little. You are a good person to do what you do!!
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aheart, Mar 30, 2011
How did the one get under the plate and away from littermates? Yes, I know they aren't called littermates HAHA I am so jealous Ireno what a wonderful meaningful job!!