will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
My husband did so good. He was very comforting.
My husband did so good. He was very comforting.
Comments (4)
179530 tn?1368936603
mature_enough, Aug 29, 2009
You can definately see my knuckles turning white on my left hand (down)... It was pretty intense.
463595 tn?1333997222
colorado_g, Aug 30, 2009
in labor and you look perfect,
733930 tn?1286571409
BradyAm, Aug 30, 2009
you look very beautiful
419158 tn?1316571604
blueeyedtabbycat, Aug 30, 2009
Wow! Even in labor you are beautiful! No fair :-(