will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Our baby bean
Our baby bean
Comments (10)
589816 tn?1332976771
steph9803, Nov 18, 2009
Congratulations Natalie!
611149 tn?1540336138
Preciouspg, Nov 18, 2009
1055824 tn?1387073424
Jenny101407, Nov 19, 2009
Awwww Look how tiny! I am so happy for you!
919101 tn?1368109937
anxiouslywaiting910, Nov 19, 2009
I can never tell whats, what on an ultrasound =) But I'm so happy for you!!
924332 tn?1284573918
Princessa745, Nov 19, 2009
Woohoo!! That is probably one of the nice's pictures you have. Yay. Good bless that little bean. Here's to a healthy 9 months ahead!!!!!!!!
693804 tn?1304720474
smr08, Nov 19, 2009
YAY!!! I'm so excited for you Natalie! It was a long road but I was happy to travel it with you : )
448723 tn?1301454958
Atlantisea, Nov 19, 2009
Congrats! Can't wait to see the next pic and watch your bean grow!
773214 tn?1295135069
DMarie919, Nov 22, 2009
congrats Natalie!  Enjoy every moment!  :)
1057195 tn?1289363329
Mybabypooh, Dec 09, 2009
Yay!!!!!!!!!!! Hello baby;-)
661065 tn?1316787944
Cill190, Dec 09, 2009
Yippie! Seeing those pics makes it feel SO real. I'm SO happy for you.