will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
our little baby
our little baby
Comments (10)
1057195 tn?1289363329
Mybabypooh, Dec 09, 2009
Wow!!! I know you feel soooo much better!!!
760797 tn?1303264540
natalie910, Dec 09, 2009
I do, thanks so much!!
919101 tn?1368109937
anxiouslywaiting910, Dec 09, 2009
I can never tell what I am looking at on these but I am sure there is a healthy little one somewhere on here =) Congrats!!
760797 tn?1303264540
natalie910, Dec 09, 2009
Thanks!! It is always confusing to me the right corner is the sac with the baby in it. It looks a lot different when you're actually there seeing it on the screen.
663562 tn?1291131883
EricaB28, Dec 09, 2009
YAY!! Nat, the bean looks great!! So happy to see that :o)
919101 tn?1368109937
anxiouslywaiting910, Dec 09, 2009
Lol yeah I can see now that you told me :)
551885 tn?1300383822
Dani711, Dec 10, 2009
Yay!  Love to watch the little ones grow in these u/s pics!
924332 tn?1284573918
Princessa745, Dec 10, 2009
Aw Natalie, so happy for you!! I'm sure your feeling great!! Worried about your symptoms coming ang going and look at your baby. you can even see the shape of the baby their on the right.
1055824 tn?1387073424
Jenny101407, Dec 10, 2009
Awww congrats! I love sonograms!
773214 tn?1295135069
DMarie919, Dec 17, 2009
What a great little picture :)  I thought I commented on this before, I'm sorry....must have gotten distracted!  Keep the pics coming :)  