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My hair after literally one minute of brushing. Can't get the docs to believe how much I am losing.
My hair after literally one minute of brushing. Can't get the docs to believe how much I am losing.
Comments (3)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Apr 13, 2010
I am well aware we lose average 100 to 500 hairs a day at the best times, I seem to be losing thousands a day! This was on March 31 2010. (Please ignore the condition of the basin and plug hole, they are being scrapped for a new one, as I am renovating the bathroom.)
599170 tn?1300973893
Cherie762, Jun 15, 2010
Red thats from throid condition,,one of the most common reactions, also dry skin, constipation, lack of libido
681148 tn?1437661591
FurballsMom, Oct 13, 2011
I'm shocked your doctor didn't recognize this was still thyroid issue as recent as last year.  You said your surgery was six years ago.  So, I'm really shocked your doctor didn't get this.  My friend has a less severe thyroid condition, in that she doesn't need to worry about surgery with it, but she has this happening, too.  She told me once that just taking the RDA of folic acid helped her with this, in that it is less severe than it was before using folic acid.

I still have thick hair, but I seem to lose this much daily, too.  The thyroid testing protocol is frustrating.  They test the TSH and it's "normal", so they won't test T3 and T4.  Natural doctors are saying that instead of supplementing T4 that it should be T3.  Conventional thyroid hormones are T4.  I read that you can actually get Cytomel with T3 instead of T4, but not via conventional doctors.  

I hate being in thyroid limbo land.  Here you have a diagnosed condition and have had surgery, but you're still not being listened to.  Maddening, isn't it.