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Kirby and I after he finished his Ironman 70.3!
Kirby and I after he finished his Ironman 70.3!
Comments (2)
1094771 tn?1330280876
allgood427, Jun 15, 2010
Kirby ran in an Ironman 70.3 (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, 13.1 mile run) in May and he decided to do it in honor of RESOLVE, a national infertility association.  It was amazing!  We raised our goal of $5,000 in donations to RESOLVE and I have never been more proud of my husband!  He did an incredible job!  We were both so uplifted by the supported of others as well as knowing we were not only raising money, but awareness to many couples who struggle with infertility.  Look for him in the Fall Newsletter!  My goal is to do the one in Augusta in the Fall of 2012!
1165284 tn?1323455476
Ready_2_be, Jun 18, 2010
That's awesome!!!! Great job Kirby!!! And just think, in Augusta in 2012 you will have a tiny one cheering for you....or maybe two! :)