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Comments (11)
796506 tn?1370188305
nickieb85, Jul 09, 2010
Aw! Too cute! Grey is going to be a big boy!
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Jul 09, 2010
lol thanks...I know, I'm starting to get a tad nervous about his size...
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Jul 09, 2010
Cute baby's almost ready.
1205562 tn?1554747006
Tasha505, Jul 09, 2010
Looks like it's time!!!
1211118 tn?1366759953
katsmommy, Jul 09, 2010
girl you look like you are ready  to pop
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Jul 09, 2010
LOL I feel ready to pop....I have to say something to defend the dumb look on my face, btw..I was having a wicked migraine and couldn't see too well, and my husband told me he was about 2 feet lower than he actually I look like I"m staring stupidly into space when I was actually trying quite hard to pretend to be looking at DH....and the effect isn't as flattering as I would like LOL
800427 tn?1324945719
Sunkissed19, Jul 09, 2010
Holy Belly! My oh MY! you really look amazing though.....sooooo cute! i cant wait to see Grey!! im SOOOO excited!!!!!! yay!!!
1121273 tn?1325367975
k10road, Jul 09, 2010
Oh my gosh!  You poooooor girl!!!!  LOL!  That belly must be keeping you up at night for sure!  It is sooooooo gorgeous though!  This picture is just absolutely beautiful!
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Jul 09, 2010
haha "holy belly" somehow when I saw you had commented I was thinking to myself "she's going to put Holy cow" but I appreciate the politically correct approach to the comment LOL!

Believe it or not Kristen I've been sleeping like a log...once I can fall asleep, that is. I've been having short-term insomnia..but once that head hits the pillow BAM I'm gone until my eyelids get pried open by Kahlan some point after 9AM, lol.

I'm definitely ready to "go" I was lying at an angle on my side (sorta leaning back) and the baby shifted all of his weight onto my hip and pushed against the inside of my pelvic bone at the same time... and I heard this loud "POP" and I literally couldn't move because the pain in my hip was so husband had to come move my leg and shove me onto my side and even then it was a good 5 minutes before I could do anything besides cry and whimper...Kahlan was crying pretty hard too because I guess seeing me hurt freaked her out (glad she's not coming to the delivery room...LOL). I'm just ready to have the big boy on the outside where he can exhaust my arms and my milk supply and keep me up all night instead of pushing me apart from the inside.
964234 tn?1331949207
HeatherLF16, Jul 11, 2010
You look too cute, he is going to be a big boy belly is all you can see.  I think my belly is looking like yours... it's sticking out so far.  I look like I am having a litter...LOL =)