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Comments (11)
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julianovak, Oct 13, 2010
wow that is so cute :) i love that!!! I think i want one now.
1194973 tn?1385503904
Clysta, Oct 13, 2010
They're so amazingly comfortable and make carrying her so much easier. Not to mention it put her to sleep almost as soon as she went in the first time. xP
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julianovak, Oct 13, 2010
Really good idea... I can remember clearly when my daughter was born, all she did was cry just to be held... I think this solves the prob!! Thanks for posting!!
1194973 tn?1385503904
Clysta, Oct 13, 2010
I agree. Kylie hates to be put down and after 4 hours of holding her it makes your arms a little tired. Good luck!! And the other nice thing is they're really inexpensive. A basic one is only 39.99 (plus shipping of course) Other carries I saw were like 80-130 and more.
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julianovak, Oct 13, 2010
Oh wow. That is inexpensive.... Compared to the Bjorn thing.... Those are like 200 bucks.... Im definatly getting it!! I think its even more comfy to take baby in that thing rather then stroller...
1194973 tn?1385503904
Clysta, Oct 13, 2010
Be warned though. It's slightly intimidating at first. It's like 20 ft of nothing but cloth, but (for me personally) I found it to be really easy to tie it up and use as soon as I got it. Which was today, lol.
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julianovak, Oct 13, 2010
oh ok.. you basically have to have someone else wrap you up lol.... I still plan on getting it... its a good thing to have the first couple months.
1194973 tn?1385503904
Clysta, Oct 13, 2010
I didn't :) They send you a book with a ton of holds you can use, and there's things online that show you how to do it. You wrap it and tie it around you first, and then you put baby in.
1169162 tn?1331232353
nola0805, Oct 13, 2010
I also love my moby and use it everyday.  Not only is it cheaper than the bjorn but also much better for the baby (and better for mom's when the baby is bigger).  I have not yet tried that position and will do so soon.
492921 tn?1321289896
Brittny27, Nov 06, 2010
I bought a moby. I had to have someone show me how to use it. I tried and tried after watching many videos on Youtube and still wasn't able to get it tight enough to feel secure with it. I now love it though.  