will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Me, few  months after the left side out. Sept 2007
Me, few  months after the left side out. Sept 2007
Comments (3)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Oct 18, 2010
Just wanted to show everyone how I looked the few months after I had my left side out for Follicular Adenoma. This was taken at my sister's wedding in Noosa Qld. Sept 2007. I felt and looked like crap. My other sister told me I looked like I had had a stroke, I said, "Well, yes I did, I think, coz my heart stopped twice on the operating table!" My TSH at this point in time was around 3.0 and MAN I felt LOUSY! Weighed 92 kilos. I have worked my butt off keeping that weight down. I am now even worse than I was back then, but in the pic before this one you can see my other sister, ( i am the eldest of 5) who has Graves and I having some fun just recently at my place. I work hard to keep that weight off!
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Oct 28, 2010
awwwww well I think you look good and I mean it  hey look at that bone structure and your pretty hair we can't be gorgeus forever mind you some of us will..
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Oct 28, 2010
your boobs look okay aswell