will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
My scar ( two surgeries) 3 years on, sort of! Oct 2010
My scar ( two surgeries) 3 years on, sort of! Oct 2010
Comments (2)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Oct 19, 2010
Ok, first surgery was May 2007 Second Dec 2007.  I have since developed Poiklerderma of Civatte, which makes my scar look much whiter and stand out more. NOW! Interestingly, see where on my right (left of this pic) I have a red mark directly under the scar? That's where I pushed and prodded to make it red so as to see where I can feel a lump inside my throat area. Pretty much the same spot as the Hurthle cell (4.5 cms) nodule all those years ago. Every time I swallow food I nearly choke to death, when I wear a seatbelt it is an incredibly compressing sensation. To me looking at this pic as opposed to another from last year, I can see that my right side is definitely more fuller looking. I suspect something is in toward the back or near the side of my trachea pushing in...but how to convince those blasted doctors?

139792 tn?1498585650
Dalubaba, Oct 31, 2010
Your self comments are amazing. You are taking all your ailments as a play. your advices on MH are very good.I am 80. My all sibblings have hypo thyroid. Though I have some issues, I am not worried about physical aspect.All are in tolerable zone so far. I do search for some panacea for tightness in feet, constipation,insomnia,tinnitus, I am almost deaf, hearing aid do help somewhat. I am also having AMD, weakening my eyes and forcing me to use magnifying glass.You can be a good model to become a stoic personality. I do yoga, meditation, acupressure, and anything which give some technique for self Improvement.Your contribution to MH subscriber is valuable. I hope all remain well with you.