Our Little Family Who Lives Under Our Porch
Our Little Family Who Lives Under Our Porch
Comments (4)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Oct 21, 2010
OMG are they kitties or skunks or both... I am an animal lover , so I say adorable they really smell ?
1200909 tn?1306815081
Iwant2Bclean, Oct 23, 2010
Ewwwww OMG yucky. Them things freak me out. I have goose bumps now
417564 tn?1287982827
feohmoon, Oct 23, 2010
LOL - they are skunks - and we have learned that they do not want to spray...they only spray of you really, really scare them.  Actually we have scared them a couple of times but they have never sprayed us (Thank God - lol)  So we have decided that most of the time, if you get sprayed by a skunk...perhaps you deserved it!  (I know there are always exceptions)  
They are awesome little creatures and we enjoy them so much...I finally was able to feed them out of my hand...I need to locate that picture.
According to one of our metaphysical books..the lesson the shunk teaches us is that it is ok to be unpopular....Good lesson...especially for us around this
Funny story - One night I woke up at like 4 am and sat up in the bed and said "Steven are you making coffee" - well he was not making coffee (and why would he @ something had got after our little friends and they had sprayed...We drink strong coffee - though I have never thought it smelled like a skunk until
1200909 tn?1306815081
Iwant2Bclean, Oct 23, 2010
How did I miss that??