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My Laser Surgery about 3 hours after having it done. Nov 4 2010
My Laser Surgery about 3 hours after having it done. Nov 4 2010
Comments (7)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Nov 04, 2010
Yes! It hurt! Yes it stung! What is it? Laser surgery to my Poikiliderma of Civatte. Funny name! Since my 2nd thyroid surgery in Dec 2007, the redness on my throat area became more and more obvious as time went on. It is partly sun damage from when I was younger, partly an auto-immune response to UV rays, and partly to do with the 2 surgeries making the tiny capillaries more obvious from their reattaching themselves! If you care to take a look at the photo I have showing Lachlan and myself in April 2010, you will see I talk about the rash getting worse. Now I know what it is, I had laser surgery on it, and above is the result, 3 hours after having it done. It should bruise up, swell up and hopefully at least turn my 'redneck' into a paler pink neck.
  As an aside. Irish and English immigrants to USA were known as 'Rednecks', as they were not used to the higher elevations which allowed stronger UV rays to damage their tender necks as they toiled outdoors. It was an obvious sign that someone was an immigrant because of their 'redneck'.  In time it lost it's original meaning and people now use Redneck as a derogatory put down! (People like me, who have Irish ancestry are far more prone to Poikiliderma of Civatte.)  
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Nov 04, 2010
YIKES!!!!  That looks painful.  I never noticed this before on your neck.  I sure hope it looks better soon.  Seems like the reverse to me since I never noticed before in your pics.  

As for the saying "Redneck" I never knew that.  Here in the states a redneck is considered a country hic from the sticks, or a person that don't do drugs.  

I am also part Irish.  Alot of people in my family have red around their necks; but, I always figured it was due to the fact that most of them all have high blood pressure too.  lol  Being I'm 1/2 Irish and 1/2 German I guess that means I'm one heck of a hot tempered redneck.  hee hee

I hope you feel better soon sweets.  :-)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Nov 04, 2010
The purple round bits are the laser marks, the red underneath is my Poikiliderma!

Yes, the saying Redneck IS an American saying, not an Aussie one! That's how people could pick an Irishman, by his Red neck from working in the outdoors.

Today (a day after having above cooked) is less noticeable. Looks now like I have a ton of hickies! Ah, if only some nice man had done it instead of a laser machine! Still swollen though.
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Nov 04, 2010
Ouch!!!  Looks sore!!!

Feel better real soon xxxx
1445110 tn?1388209711
HessyKat, Nov 04, 2010
Oh my goodness! You have been so through so much. I wish you a fast a painless recovery.
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Nov 09, 2010
Yep, hickes would have been fun.  LOL  I hope it helps in the long run.  HUGS
681148 tn?1437661591
FurballsMom, Oct 13, 2011
That was clearly an angry rash.  I never heard of that autoimmune illness before.  I should do some homework on that, so I know more about what it is.  I had no idea people of Irish descent were prone to an illness of that name, but I knew we were quite prone to Celiac.  I saw that you posted pictures after this one that were rash free.  How long did it take before you didn't have such an angry rash.  I saw that you mentioned that it got worse, too.  Ouchies!