i force this hate into my heart because its my only friend...
i force this hate into my heart because its my only friend...
Comments (4)
1567353 tn?1358876855
Arsia, Feb 03, 2011
Pff, look at you!
Your pictures are awesome. >:]
1582246 tn?1298297545
dyingxonxthexinside, Feb 03, 2011
(: Thanks love.
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GummyBear83, Feb 09, 2011
I have been down that road, and the hate will devour your heart and soul until you feel like an empty shell.
You seem like a beautiful and interesting person, and you are still really young, so don't let things like hate eat you up.
I am not trying to tell you what to do, but down the road you will thank yourself for it.
Things can and will get better, but you have to want it to happen, and then make it happen.
Nice pic btw!
1582246 tn?1298297545
dyingxonxthexinside, Feb 11, 2011
Thanks but it's really hard. I need help for it.