will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Miss Maggie
Miss Maggie
Comments (3)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Feb 02, 2011
a little poodley doodley
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Feb 06, 2011
Another rescue... she was kept in a cage for the first one-and-a-half years of her life by an elderly woman who would bang a coffee can with a handful of pennies in it against her cage whenever Maggie barked.  It got so that Maggie would escape from her grasp whenever she was taken out to be let outside on the rope and the woman broke her wrist trying to catch her so the doctor said she had to go.  Maggie was going to be put in the pound, so even though we already had two and couldn't afford another Ray and I took her.  Our house was too tiny for the cage, so she had to go cold-turkey on freedom... whew... a hair raising experience for all of us... she didn't stop running around the house and yard for four solid months --- like a race car on a tiny track!  :)
1461073 tn?1308677548
crackerjack4u2, Feb 06, 2011
So sweet.  What a terrible life she had, people should be ashamed of themselves for doing that.  LOL I bet she loved her new freedom, what a lucky dog she is now perched upon her couch.  Congrats Miss Maggie