will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
18,000 feet - wanted to do something that would make me feel really alive before I died
18,000 feet - wanted to do something that would make me feel really alive before I died
Comments (8)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Feb 02, 2011
wow good for you , I have never done it, exciting I bet, who is the hunk you took along for th ride LOL
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Feb 02, 2011
I have his name written down somewhere... Because of my age this skydiving place (very reputable) would not allow me to dive unless I went with a "Master Instructor" - someone who has completed at least 10,000 dives!  As he put on my harness he gave me a long look and asked, "Do you have any health problems I should know about?" (the form asked a similar question), I said, "None I'm going to tell you about."  The first three heartbeats out of the plane were the best of my entire life... then he released the tiny spacial orienting chute and the discomfort began (I smiled for the camera).  He took good care of me.., kept me from upchucking :) and got us very nicely to the ground.  I landed in a sitting position (gently) and it was over half an hour before I could stand up... over an hour before I could get in the car to ride home.  I'd do it again if it wasn't so expensive... after all, I lived when I didn't think it was possible, so I guess I'll need to hang onto what little money I have at least a bit longer.  Long enough to get me through Chinese medicine for a couple of months, I hope.
1461073 tn?1308677548
crackerjack4u2, Feb 06, 2011
OH MY better you than me Girlfriend. I ain't doing that no way, no how LOL, but I'm glad you enjoyed it Hun.  
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Feb 07, 2011
whooohooo better you tahn me I love flying but inside something , like a plane .. I( would have thrown up at the thought of it in the plane
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Feb 07, 2011
At first, as the plane climbed, I thought, "Oh, wow!  We're going to be above the clouds!"  Then, as the clouds receded out of sight below the plane I thought, "What am I doing here?"  Crouched in the open door of the plane, with nothing under my chin but 3-1/2 miles of air, I thought, "How do I get myself into these things?"  Then... "Yeeeeeee-haaaaaaa!!!!!  Yow-eeee!"
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cheshchesh819, Feb 07, 2011
That looks fab,i have done paragliding that was scaring,but like you said it is an amazing feeling once you are out there.
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Feb 07, 2011
I figured that if I was going with someone who'd done this 10,000 times (and had a very personal interest in getting us safely to the ground) it was "safe as taxi rides".  In fact, I've had taxi rides that were just as scary!  :)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Feb 08, 2011
I like inside ...  always planned to learn how to fly ,but didnt get round to it ...