First time in my bumbo chair!
First time in my bumbo chair!
Comments (2)
1124862 tn?1303850973
wannabeamommy0124, May 22, 2011
how does she like it? I am debating whether to get amy a bumbo seat or an exersaucer... i really want to get her the one with the piano on the ground so they play music when they step..
1345697 tn?1430619021
trh0819, May 22, 2011
We are going to get the piano one, too. My husband likes that! Just waiting for another BRU 20% off coupon  :-)  Annabelle likes the Bumbo for short periods of time. She is working hard on her neck muscles and doing really well but she doesn't like sitting up like that for too long. It's great chair though. I can see us using it a LOT as soon as she's more comfortable with holding her head up.